Saturday, 28 March 2015

Unlock Memory Card Password

Forgetting memory card password is a common problem. It is also seen that after forgetting the unlocking password of locked mobile phone memory card due to password lock, users start searching for a memory card password remover. They try to retrieve the original password of locked memory card for unlocking. It is also seen that in most of the cases such SD cards become unusable without unlocking the card protected with a secret password. If you want to stay away from this situation, we strongly recommend you not to place password protection for memory card unless it is highly if you forget your password don't worry there are 70% chances to unlocked you memory card without losing your data.

  • For Nokia Mobile series

  • First of all Download and Install  F Explorer hope you can easily find it on internet insert your card in your phone. F Explorer is a popular file manager software for Symbian mobile phones .

  • Run F Explorer and Open the path C:\system.

  • Find the file called mmcstore, and rename it mmcstore.txt.

  • Copy that file (mmcstore.txt) to your PC and open it in Notepad. 


    For Other Mobile Phones 

    • Go to file manger

    • Chose system folder in settings

    • Find a file mmcstore

    • With Bluetooth send the file in your PC

    • Open file in note pad

    The password of  memory card is located with that files.

    you password will be find with that file.Now you can unlock the locked memory card using the password found above and access the important files you have saved on the card.


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